O Κωνσταντίνος Δημητριάδης (Μαυροσκούφης) παρουσιάζει, την εκπομπή ΑΜΥΝΩ ΔΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΟΣ την Πέμπτη στις 8:00 το βράδυ, στα πλαίσια της οποίας αναλύει το "2ο ΟΧΙ των Ελλήνων στον άξονα - Μυστική Διπλωματία".
Announcing the official launching of our latest venture namely, “MadSektor Radio”. Associated with the “MADSEKTOR” Music label & promos, as well as “NEPTUNE TV” & TV11 channels, we aspire to bring to listeners news and clips on mainstream, alternative and underground music. Stay tuned for more. ΑΜΥΝΩ ΔΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΟΣ - ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΜΥΝΑ - 28/4/2022 στις 8:00 το βράδυ στο NEPTUNE TV / TV1123/4/2022 Ανακοίνωση Μη χάσετε την επόμενη εκπομπή ΑΜΥΝΩ ΔΕ ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΟΣ, που παρουσιάζει ο Κωνσταντίνος Δημητριάδης (Μαυροσκούφης), με τη Σοφία Τζουμερκιώτη, και αναφέρεται στην αμυντική θωράκιση της Κύπρου απο το 1974 έως σήμερα. νΗ εκπομπή θα μεταδοθεί στις 28/4/2022 στις 8 το βράδυ, στους ακόλουθους συνδεσμους.
#karantinas during Cyprus lockdown: BIG THANKS TO GEORGE PELEKANOS & ALIONA FOR THE CLIPS!17/4/2020
Q&A Q. What is the name? A. Surprise! Q. What is your logo? A. Pending registration. Q. What music will be promoted. A.Yet, another surprise. Q. Will it be distributed for free? A. For the most of it, yes! By Kate Radojkovic& Konstantinos Nicolas Kouvaras (CNK)From the beginning … Where have you been all this time? Hahaha, I have always been here. Some people think I went back to the UK. No chance! I have been in Cyprus since 1994 making music, teaching, writing, being a father, DJing, doing radio shows, walking the dog. Those who know, know, those who don’t… don’t! By Kate Radojkovic & Konstantinos Nicolas Kouvaras (CNK)Where have you been all this time? Hahaha, I have always been here. Some people think I went back to the UK. No chance! I have been in Cyprus since 1994 making music, teaching, writing, being a father, DJing, doing radio shows, walking the dog. Those who know, know, those who don’t… don’t! Why do you think people have that impression of you? Now if you posed the question differently, say like, where have you been, you are no longer on TV or doing radio shows in Cyprus then maybe it would make sense. TV11.net covered on 27th of January, at Hilton Hotel, the celebrations of the 71st Republic Day of India. The video, photos and a short statement by her excellency the High Commissioner of India in Cyprus, will follow. CYLIFE undertook the responsibility of video editing and promotion. Tο TV11, βρέθηκε χθές στην πρώτη επίσημη προπόνηση της ομάδας της ΠΑΕΕΚ. Οι δηλώσεις πιο κάτω, του προέδρου της ΠΑΕΕΚ, κ. Μάριου Βλάχου, στο βίντεο που ακολουθεί. An interview with owner / manageress of Coffee outlet, COFFEE ON in Nicosia. A place serving also Russian and Ukrainian delicacies. Special thanks to Ms Svetlana for the deco and interviews, Ms Ekaterina Popova (presenter), Dimitris Davides (Photography), Andreea (video edits), bensound.com (music), as well as everybody else that was involved. ΄Αρχισαν οι πιλοτικές εκπομπές στο ΟΛΟΚΑΙΝΟΥΡΓΙΟ κανάλι του ομίλου stream TV-11 Interactive media. Προσωρινός Σύνδεσμος All new print Newspaper arrived in the Cyprus media scene. FREE PRESS. We were commissioned to prepare a short TV ad for the client's promotion campaign. Mike Hajimike - Website background music 1997 When internet speeds were measured by 33.3 modems, it was virtually impossible to incorporate and reproduce music in websites. In order to maintain as much as possible the quality of sound, we were asking, or rather, we were begging our web designers to come up with solutions. Eventually, they managed to convert sound into Flash files and embed them in the HTML code... Thanks to MadSector and CNK. Mike Hajimike - Website background music 1997 When internet speeds were measured by 33.3 modems, it was virtually impossible to incorporate and reproduce music in websites. In order to maintain as much as possible the quality of sound, we were asking, or rather, we were begging our web designers to come up with solutions. Eventually, they managed to convert sound into Flash files and embed them in the HTML code... Thanks to MadSector and CNK |
September 2024